Thursday 27 December 2018

New century resolution

This one's in my native language, Romanian.
Every year people write down their new year resolutions, a habit which I consider futile since a year is too short to accomplish anything of consequence.

This year however I will partake in this habit, but instead of goals to achieve for one year I've written down what can be loosely described as life goals.
If you're looking for an English translation I'm sorry to disappoint, I'm not very good at translating verse. But given the frequency of my posts I doubt anyone reads this blog anyway.

Când familii se strâng în case pustii,
Și firul trăirii rămâne-n vremuri trecute,
Când în apele timpului oamenii împietresc,
Iar lupii trecutului în cerc te-ncolțesc
Și în plasa întinsă a vorbelor mute
Ei caută mereu și tu ca să vii,
Să-ți spună cum să simți
Și ce e bine să știi,
Fii nucleul cel tainic al gândirii-nnăscute
Din semințe de știință în tine crescute.
Iar când ei vor să aibe tu caută să fii
Lumina vieții adusă din vremuri trecute
Răsfrântă în timpuri ce curând vor venii.

În lumea deșartă a materie brute
Unde ei se cufundă în senzații zglobii
Ce fac viața să moară tu caută să știi
Când viața e moarte atunci ce mai e viu?

În lumea sfărâmată până nu-i prea târziu
Fii firul de apă ce dă viață-n pustiu
Iar din apusul gândirii astor vremuri confuze
Când ochi tăi cad pe orizontul distant.
În eternul haos al lumii difuze
Caută flori de lumină răsfirate-n neant.
Și aprig le udă în gânire-nvederată
Până fructul cel limpede al luminii lor pure
Inundă din nou astă lume uitată.


Iar când din undele acestui haos perdant
Va rămâne doar un ultim ciot uitat,
În firave arcuri de lumină și foc,
Ce iute te saltă și mișcă din loc,
Caută noi lumi răsfirate-ntre stele
Și corăbii de vise să te ducă la ele.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Ode to Alice

As the now famous song goes, someone recently asked me who Alice is. I chose to respond here in a somewhat non conventional manner.
Alice is:
The sunshine in Summer,
The soft rain in Fall,
Alice is a jewel deep within my soul.

She's in all of my thoughts, she drives my intentions,
This jewel I prize more than all my possessions.

The rarest of flowers that this world has seen.
Full of grace and beauty without and within.

Bright beams of sunlight do make up her hair
And her soul's as pure as the fresh mountain air.

A mysterious world I wish to explore
For years to come, maybe even more.

The loveliest star that ever has shined,
Her touch is as warm as the gentile spring wind

She raises my soul to ever new heights,
Alice brings me warmth in the cold winter nights.

Alice is my, soul and even though we're apart,
My thoughts go to her with every beat of my heart.

Saturday 17 January 2015

The Dreamweaver

I walk through my life as if through a dream
And in my dreams I see things normally unseen,

In my waking days I only see aggression,
But when I close my eyes I feel deeper connections
In my waking hours I strive to acquire,
But at night I know what I truly require

In the light I hoard material possessions,
Strive that in this I achieve perfection,
And turn all my works into pointless obsession,
To serve well my masters,
To get more remuneration,
I do all the things,
Which I have been told
And I hide inside
The feeling I hold
So I get more cash
To spend when I’m bored
And spend my days in peace
Until I am old.

But at night I live in a different reality
When I see all the world as a single entity.
I strive just to be, and to know, and to feel
Everything which at day I see as surreal
In a thought’s worth of time
I live an eternity
And in the blackness of night
I know infinity.
In the deepest void I see all of creation;
A meticulous web weaved of endless perfection
In a singular fractal of continuous replication
With minute changes to local dispersion
Creating countless waves of extreme variation
In the universal fabric of temporal progression.

With my eyes I see humankind in all its diversity
Ripped apart by faith, culture or ethnicity
In constant conflict over land and property
Inflamed by a distorted sense of morality
Maintained by men who try
To protect their prosperity
By perverting  the values at the heart of society
And stripping away the Earth’s biodiversity

But when I close my eye  I see wonders untold,
I feel on my skin the breath of the world,
I feel all life of Earth pulsating as one,
Bathed in the endless song of the sun.

I see our race freed from its infantile scars
And spreading its wings among unknown stars.
All passions of the past, the wars, the hostility,
Transformed into love, understanding and unity.
Through all the mysteries not yet understood
They are bound to a common sense of brotherhood
And in a common sense of human morality
They share their different cultures and cherish diversity.

I dream of the dreams such people might hold
And I dream of the dreams of the people of old.
In my dreams all these dreams hold a special connection
That they all strive to dream of the human perfection
Of the purpose of life and our place in creation.

I dream of more dreams that will show me a way
To lift all the veils which lead me astray
And bring light to my darkness and night to my day.